Sunday, May 13, 2012

Helpful Advice

Have you ever wondered: "Man, those mobs keep killing me!" Well, if you have, you must take this little piece of advice!
Here are a few things that may help you as you play Minecraft on survival mode:
  • Then, get some food from pigs, cows, or chicken
  • Then make a small shelter in a small mine, or gather a bunch of wood and make a house somewhere in the ground or up top on a peak of a mountain
  • Then make your tools out of wood
  • Then start to mine with your pick-axe
  • Once you have enough stone, make tools out of stone
  • Then try and find some iron (DO NOT MINE IRON WITH WOODEN MATERIALS)
  • Once you have enough iron, make a furnace, then find coal, (or use wooden planks) to smelt the iron to iron ingots
  • Then make iron materials
  • Or make iron armor (alternative)
  • Then use your iron pick-axe to find an underground mine close to lava
  • Once you have found lava, search for redstone, gold, or DIAMOND!
  • Don't forget, make a few chests just in case you run out of inventory
  • And make a portal to the nether using obsidian and flint and steel to get netherrack and glowstone
  • If you don't know how to make some stuff, look it up on (Just look it up on Google)
  • Then, just for fun, maybe go out at night and destroy some zombies or creepers so you can collect some of their items like gunpowder! And then make TNT! (Sometimes zombies drop iron materials including iron shovels, swords, pick-axe's, and iron axes).
                    That's it for this blog, so subscribe and make a new survival mode in Minecraft!      

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